I miss it, but I do get my teaching fix from time to time here at Durham University. At practice, because I am here on a lacrosse scholarship, we have three teams, and sometimes I get to help out with the other teams. Even on my own team, which is like the equivalent of varsity, I tend to get a little coachey. I will lead a drill or help someone with an individual issue, and it is just like I am teaching again. I was explaining a drill one time for team two, and one of the girls made a comment along the lines of, "She is totally a teacher." I couldn't help but smile even though she may have been poking fun of me.
Also my classmates are not native English speakers, so sometimes they get lost when the professor makes a joke or goes really fast. They turn to me for help. Well I am sure the fact that I am one of three native English speakers and have the friendliest face (that's right Robin, I am more approachable than you) is probably why they choose me for help. I don't mind at all. I actually feel really bad for them because I sometimes get lost in the lectures with 25 years of English language experience. Today the prof was talking about the difference between the sounds in the phrases "catch it" and "cat shit". Agatha, who was sitting next to me, pulled out her little electronic English to Chinese dictionary and could not figure out what made most of the class giggle. I then drew her a picture that looked something like this. I am sure drawing a kitten taking a dump is not really the high light of most people's day, but it was for mine!
Even though I was laid off, I do not have a doubt that some form of teaching should be my career. I am glad 16 year old me was right. She was awesome. You go 2001 Kat... you go girl.
you're right. i have squinty eyes. people often think i'm glaring at them, but i was born this way.